Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Child Support Drama May 9, 2011

This past weekend was mother's day and I went to go see my son's great grandmother on his dad's side. We'd been seeing her regularly for the past couple years but of course, he doesn't know that. We went to take her a car, balloons, and a rose bush. This is HIS grandmother, but here I was bringing the gifts. He simply called…and he would call when I was there. Of course the grandma told him that I was there and his son was there also. He said to tell me, "Happy Mother's Day." Me being nasty, I told her grandma to tell him, "Kiss my ass." I instantly regretted it, but it just flew out of my mouth. The anger had generated from that Friday. He called my phone and laughed while asking, "Are you still waiting for that check girl?" I was annoyed and didn't feel like being bothered with peon's so I told him I wasn't able to talk and hung up the phone. Mother's day morning I received a phone call my friend. She said he'd written her on facebook and asked her to relay a message to me stating that ~ I wasn't going to get S__, and I need to keep it moving because I am a ____ and ____'s don't ___. I was pissed, I was, I really was. But I know who I'm dealing with, so I let it go. I told the grandmother that his child support papers had finally come through and he was supposed to start paying immediately which is why he is suddenly sooooooo upset with me and calling the whole world to play mailman.

I didn't call him, I didn't text him, I didn't acknowledge the stupid facebook post, and I had a wonderful day.

Monday morning…I'm at work and see I have a missed call and a voicemail. I checked the voicemail…Goodmonday morning to me…it's my babydaddy…instructing me in the calmest and most soothing voice one could ever hear, that I should STAY AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY. Hold on, I'm gonna listen to the message now so I can type it word for word. Here goes > (the typos are correct, I literally typed it word for word) " Um…I appreciate it if you just stay away from my family and S***. You know you go around my grandma…her old butt…you know what I'm saying…you talking about me, you know you doing nasty…but my people's don't like you man, they only do that because they don't see the baby…please man, just stay away from my family! If you wanna drop him off then you can drop him off to me and then we can go see my family, but that's just wrong. Just stay away man…he's 13 man…do you…"

Is he serious? If I didn't go see his family, he would trip about how I keep them away from my son...I admit…I don't do as much as I should or could, but I'm trying. So, by the end of that message I'm LIVID. I call him back, and tell him that if he wants me to stay away from his family then I will do so and not go over there anymore. He says, "Naw man…go see my family. I want you to go see my family…but he 13 man…he 13…come on man, he 13…" HUH? (I swear dude has got to be on something serious). Now he's yelling at me to go see his family. He's saying that he wants to be a father to his son but I kept him away and all he wanna do is bond and play basketball with him. He says that he will not step foot in my house because when he comes there all he can do is play video games because that's all that my son wants to do. He says that I need to stop asking my son what he wants to do with his life and his dad and DROP him to his house. He doesn't care what I'm doing or what my son's doing, I had BETTER drop him to his house so he can be damn daddy!!


OK!!! And that's all I kept saying…ok…ok…ok…he got tired of me saying ok and just hung up.

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