Monday, July 18, 2011

Child Support Check-up

I’m at the bestie’s house and I get a phone call from dude, “Uh, is my son back home from his trip? Cause if he is then We’re coming to see him today when I get off work!”  I’m sorry, but is this a declarative sentence that should have been an interrogative sentence??? (I may be teaching third grade next  year, gotta brush up on the Grammar rules).  So I pressed END.  Who talks to me like that and gets away with it?  He calls back…I pick up and ask him to rephrase his questions or else he will be listeining to Mr. DT again.  He yells back that if all his money is coming out of his check to take care of his son then he can call and do whatever the hell he wants to do!  My attitude changed…biiiiiiiigggg smile comes across my face  and I ask him, “Money is being taken out?” *still smiling* - ______ - 
“Yea money is being taken out, from the last three checks money has been missing!  So if  I say, blah blah blah... I don’t even know what he was saying after that, I was too busy looking at the calendar to see when how and how long they were taking money out.  The state was right, May 15 they started taking his money out. 
I hear him yelling something but by now I have the calculator and my calendar doing all kind of calculations.  This is perfect for me, because a teacher's bank account and those summer months have no kind of interaction going that extra money from him would do me just right!!! I put my ear back to the phone and start listening.  His other son (who has this special love for my son that no one else can figure out) wants to come see his big brother.  I can't help it, especially being a teacher, my heart goes out to the little ones.  I give in...but in my own way...I yell at him telling him do whatever he wants, if he's gonna come by then he just needs to let me know what time he's coming.  In my sick and twisted head I already knew that my son wasn't at home and neither was I...and I wasn't going home anytime soon.  I was just gonna wait for another nasty phone call.  As long as that money was coming out of his check I could deal with nasty phone calls :)

But guess what....dude never called to yell at me for not being home...which ofcourse you know what that means.  It's nice to know that I'm right...but it's still so sad.

Back to the Child Support

Money was supposed to have been deducted out of dude’s paycheck May 15.  Needless to say, I still haven’t received anything.  I call the hotline and nothing…they contnually tell me that no money is in my account.  BOOOOOO Child support!!! Then I get a letter from the Court of Appeals stating that ___ ___ ___  has requested an appeal.  What makes it more funny is, dude has paid the $300 filing fee to begin the process.  LOL…you have $300 for an appeal (something that you could have done for free, had you just complied with the State’s requests), but you don’t have money for school shoes, which is what kicked this whole mess off.  Ofcourse, I’m livid.  I call the clerk to find out the details, because I’m panicked that I have to get lawyers and blah blah blah.  But God is good…because he didn’t comply with anything and the child support order was finalized, I didn’t have to do anything.  And because the jdugment was already in order, he still has to pay (until told otherwise), and the new court case was not against ___  __ ___  vs. Me, it was __ ___ __  vs. the IRS on behalf of me…get that!!! So basically, I don’t have to do anything, but wait and see what happens…in the meantime…when do I get my money?